
Ohhhh, February, the love month.

February started great, the exams went great (in my case) and I had the subject almost dominated.

About February I can say that we were CRAZY with St. Valentine's day.

Really, really CRAZY. 

The teacher made us to do a project that we also did the last year, it consisted of a heart made with red paper, and inside we had to put a lot of things, such as:

-A beautiful sentence for your mate or the person you would give the heart to.

-Some phonetics to work the area of grammar in this activity.

-A song that remembers to you that person.

-Some beautiful words, and if you wanted, lastly, a photo with that person.

My heart was for Jimena, she is my best friend and I really loved doing this project to her. I think she liked a lot because I added a lot of things that she and I know and seeing her smile was the most beautiful thing I watched that day.

I almost forget this... 

Also, we did another activity in collaboration with Maria Jose, our tutor and Spanish language teacher. 

It was called the Julliet's wall. The Julliet's wall was a big brown paper in the entrance of the high school where we put a post it with a beautiful sentence for everyone to see it and be happy that day. 

I did one with... Jimena. 

It was a really great post it with her, where we did the half of a heart each one and we put a sentence under, so we would do a heart together with a beautiful quote under. 

Here I put the photo:
I don't remember a lot more in this month, so, let's start with March!


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