Let's go with April!
From April I don't remember a lot, because we didn't do a lot of funny activities.
In April, we started with the first exams of the third term, our work in class started to get bigger and we had to study a little more, because there were many things to study in this subject (because its continuous).
But we did some activities at home, because we had Easter holidays and our teacher sent us some projects in order to continúe working the subject at home:
The SDG's poster, where we had to explain the SDG that we chose, why, how can we work it in the high school and in class.
The SDG's presentation, explaining and talking about our SDG and how is it visible in the world.
A podcast about the biography of a famous woman, in my case was about Anne Frank and I talked about her life, how she represented feminisim and the war in her years, with the goverment of Hitler and how has she impacted in our actual lifes.
A detective stories presentation, where I explained a little bit about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who is the creator of the Sherlock Holmes stories, about Agatha Christie, who is the creator of some famous books as the Orient Express murder, and Edgar Allan Poe, who is famous for creating short terror and horror stories.
And lastly, a personal blog where I explained the process of how did I do my presentations in the holidays and how did I I distributed my time.
About April I dont have anything else to tell, (except that it was my 15th birthday on 16! 🥳) so, let's go with May, the most horrorific month which was not a lot then...
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